Class of 1973 Catalina High School Catalina High School
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Catalina Class of 1973
Launch Committee

After the successful 20-year high school reunion in 1993, under the leadership of a core group of classmates, planning began for the 30th reunion in 2003. After the successful closing of the 30th reunion, planning began for the 40th in 2013.

Catalina Class of 73, LLC, was established August 29, 2011. Cindy Cox Jameson, Jan Pedley Fox, and Pamela Gralton Kohnen are the listed members of this LLC. This core group became known as the "Launch Committee" and duties included securing the date and venue for the next decade reunions, stewards of any funds remaining from the previous reunion, and the distribution of the registration for the upcoming decade reunion event to classmates. This registration form sent to classmates also calls for volunteers to join in the planning of each reunion event.

Also in 2011, a domain name was secured, and a website was created for the Catalina Class of 1973, LLC, and the official class website is known as: A PayPal account was set up for the ease of online credit card payments, and a Face Book page was also set up to help with the communication process.

The Launch Committee is comprised of a Director, Treasurer, and Producer for the Catalina Class of 73, LLC decade reunions. During 2023, a webmaster was added to the Launch Committee for the responsibility of the website updates, maintenance, and ecommerce applications.




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Page last updated: 04/14/2024